Gilbert Academy of Creative Arts

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About Us » Principal's and Assistant Principal's Message / Principal's Song:

Principal's and Assistant Principal's Message / Principal's Song:

John Pilotin

Please refer to my farewell song to our students.  If you are using a desktop, it is on the right side of the page.  If you are using a mobile device, the song is at the bottom of the page. Thank you!

July 9, 2024
Dear Gilbert School Community,

I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones in good health and high spirits. After thoughtful consideration, I have accepted an opportunity with the State Department of Education Administration Division. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your principal, and I am immensely grateful for the support, dedication, and collaboration of our entire school community.

I will miss our daily interactions and the vibrant energy of our students. Rest assured, I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition. I will work closely with our regional leadership, families, administrative team, staff, the Magnet Schools Department, and the School Organization Team (SOT) to ensure continuity and continued success for our students. Communication from our SOT will be forthcoming. When the selection process is completed in appointing the new principal, the school leadership will be in communication.

Thank you for your unwavering support throughout my tenure. I look forward to carrying the spirit of the Gilbert community with me as I embark on this new chapter and the opportunity to continue contributing to our community with the State Department of Education.

Tentatively, my last official day will be July 19th, 2024. I wish the Gilbert School Community the very best. 

Warm regards and my sincerest aloha,
John R. Pilotin


To our talented and intelligent Giraffes: July 9, 2024


Dear Students of Gilbert Academy of Creative Arts,


As I prepare to embark on a new chapter in my life, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude and admiration for every one of you. Serving as your principal has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. I have watched you grow, create, and excel in ways that continually inspire me. 


As I bid farewell, I want to leave you with a message of encouragement and hope. Continue to pursue the dreams and creativity that you have shown during your time here. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and never underestimate the power of your unique talents. I believe in you and am confident you will achieve great things. 


Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey, and I wish you all the very best.



Mr. Pilotin



John R. Pilotin

2101 W. Cartier Ave.

North Las Vegas, NV, 89032

(702) 799-4730

[email protected]


Master of Arts: Educational Policy And Leadership      
The University of Nevada - Las Vegas, NV
Master of Arts: Special Education      
The University of Hawaii At Manoa - Honolulu, HI
Clark County School District/ Harvard Cohort in School Management and Leadership



Assistant Principal's Message: Ms. Melissa Golino

Dear Families,

My name is Melissa Golino and I am the new Assistant Principal at Gilbert Elementary, Academy of the Creative Arts. 

“Be the change you wish to see.” This is my philosophy on my profession. It expresses my commitment as an administrator to inspire core values by being a role model for the positive, responsive environment I strive to provide.

My goal at Gilbert is to furnish a firm foundation composed of practices designed to create joyful, safe and engaged classrooms and academic communities. Equally crucial is to clearly define the parameters for appropriate behaviors, motivation and goal setting for teachers and students alike.  Additionally, when students and teachers are supplied with the necessary resources to create strong relationships, teachers are better able to understand and accommodate students’ needs by adjusting class activities, and students are enabled to achieve high levels of growth and success in all areas. 

To share some of my personal and professional background, I grew up on Long Island, in Dix Hills, New York.  I enjoy traveling, having coffee on the veranda, trying new restaurants, and spending quality time with my family and friends. I also love going to the gym daily, to enhance my mind, body, and soul. 

Professionally, I have over 20 years of experience in education. I began my career in New York, teaching English at the middle school. Upon moving to Las Vegas, in 2006, in CCSD; I taught High School English, Special Education and was a  Special Education Instructional Facilitator at both the Secondary and Elementary Level. I have spent the last five years as an Assistant Principal at both the secondary and elementary level. 

I am grateful to be your Assistant Principal and believe in building positive relationships with all stakeholders and fostering a positive school culture.

Best Regards,

Melissa Golino

Assistant Principal-Gilbert Academy of the Creative Arts

2101 W. Cartier Ave.

North Las Vegas, NV, 89032

(702) 799-4730


Master of Arts: Educational  Leadership

American Public University-Washington D.C.     
Master of Arts: Special Education   

The University of Nevada - Las Vegas, NV

Master of Arts: Secondary Education-Dowling College-Oakdale, NY